[XeTeX] Hanging figures by default with otf?

J P Blevins jpb39 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jun 10 18:34:24 CEST 2004

Thanks for the quick and informative replies!

But let me ask now if there is some trick to getting XeTeX to read font
definitions from style and/or fd files. Everything works fine if I add
the declarations below to the preamble of a single file. However, if I
set up a separate style file AdobeGaramondPro.sty:

\ProvidesPackage{AdobeGaramondPro}[2004/06/10 v1.0 Adobe Garamond Pro]

and then put the declarations in UAdobeGaramondPro.fd (or
AdobeGaramondPro.fd), the otf fonts are not found, and silently
substituted. They are also not found if I dump the whole preamble into
the style file. Of course I rehash, etc., and I've never encountered
this problem with type 1 fonts, so I am a bit mystified.



%Font declarations:

     {<-> "Adobe\space Garamond\space Pro:+onum"}{}
     {<-> "Adobe\space Garamond\space Pro\space Italic"}{}
     {<-> "Adobe\space Garamond\space Pro\space Bold"}{}
     {<-> ssub * AdobeGaramondPro/bx/n}{}
     {<-> "Adobe\space Garamond\space Pro\space Bold\space Italic"}{}
     {<-> ssub * AdobeGaramondPro/bx/it}{}
     {<-> "Adobe\space Garamond\space Pro:+smcp"}{}

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