[XeTeX] fontspec 1.5 (& Lucida Math)

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Dec 3 02:13:59 CET 2004

Herb Schulz wrote:

> Actually, the lucbmath package gives me terrible trouble in even a simple
> document. My problem with \Gamma is with no math package! Try this:
> %&program=xelatex
> %&encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
> % Basic XeLaTeX Document
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \setromanfont{Hoefler Text}
> \begin{document}
> Here is an Upper Case Gamma: \(\Gamma\)!
> \end{document}
> I get no \Gamma displayed.

In short: it's all my fault!

That's because in standard LaTeX, with the default OT1 encoding, as defined by /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/base/fontmath.ltx, \Gamma is taken from the "operators" font which is the text font CMR (the same is also true, actually, of plain TeX):

	\DeclareSymbolFont{operators}   {OT1}{cmr} {m}{n}

But fontspec.sty redefines this font as Hoefler Text which has no Gamma symbol:

	   \SetSymbolFont{operators}{normal}\zf at enc\rmdefault\mddefault\updefault

I hadn't noticed this because with Lucida fonts, in lucidabr.sty, \Gamma is taken from other fonts which are not redefined to Hoefler Text, namely "mathupright" (= hlcm = LBMA = Math-Arrows) for the expert set or "largesymbols" (= hlcv = LBME = Math-Extension) for the non-expert set:

	\iflucida at expert

	\iflucida at expert

And because Will had used my code as the basis for some of his, he hadn't noticed either.

This is the result of the idiosyncrasies of TeX, of its 7-bit inheritance, such that the capital Greek letters are taken from the main text font. The only fix I could think of is to add a new math symbol font for just containing these symbols:

	\DeclareSymbolFont{xoperators}   {OT1}{cmr} {m}{n}

etc., but that wouldn't work outside standard LaTeX, for example with Lucida fonts (the capital Greek letters would be taken from Computer Modern instead of Lucida).

In any case:

	%&encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
	% Basic XeLaTeX Document

	\setromanfont{Hoefler Text}


	Here is an Upper Case Gamma: $\Gamma$!


doesn't work, but

	%&encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
	% Basic XeLaTeX Document


	\setromanfont{Hoefler Text}


	Here is an Upper Case Gamma: $\Gamma$!




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