[XeTeX] Hoefler and slash-textsection

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Aug 25 19:27:11 CEST 2004

Le 25 août 04, à 19:03, Musa Furber a écrit :

> If I want to use Hoefler's section glyph (§), I can call it manually 
> using
> 	\XeTeXglyph 134
> Is there an easy way to set \textsection so it does the same? When I 
> tried
> 	\renewcommand{\textsection}{\XeTeXglyph 134}
> I ended up with a blank space.

Did you try without the space? The following works for me (with 
Trebuchet MS):


That said, Jonathan Kew recommanded once against such use of 
\XeTeXglyph, in a thread "[XeTeX] Maths and Symbols in Latex" on June 

> I'd recommend using {\char"2022} rather than {\XeTeXglyph...}; that 
> should be less font-dependent and more robust. Glyph numbers could 
> easily change even from one version to another of the same typeface, 
> whereas the Unicode character code is standard.

and similarly Ross Moore:

> I'd recommend using   \renewcommand{\textdollar}{{\char"0024}}
> or  \renewcommand{\textdollar}{{^^^^0024}}
> with the extra braces.
> The advantage is that the expansion of the macro acts as a single
> token, if ever the \textdollar becomes a parameter to another macro,
> after some expansion; e.g. when writing into the .aux or .toc file,
> or for the index or bibliography.
> Even better is to use a declaration:
>    \DeclareRobustCommand{\textdollar}{{\char"0024}}
> or
>    \DeclareRobustCommand{\textdollar}{{^^^^0024}}

BTW, did you also try (I never did myself):


And possibly Ross' package utf8accents.sty, posted to this list (in an 
archive utf8syms.tgz) in a thread "[XeTeX] OS X fonts" on July 22, 
could do the job as well (I haven't tried it yet).

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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