[XeTeX] Small Caps with Lucida Bright

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Aug 18 03:07:48 CEST 2004

Le 18 août 04, à 00:45, Atip Asvanund a écrit :

> How would I define Small Caps for the Lucida Bright that comes with 
> Panther? I tried the following, and it appears to not be working.
> \DeclareFontShape{U}{lucidabr}{m}{sc}%
>       {<-> "Lucida\space Bright:Letter\space Case=Small\space Caps"}{}


I assume you mean Lucida Grande. Then using the file AAT-info.tex, from 
the XeTeX samples, tells (beware: this file must be processed with 
plain TeX, not LaTeX) that for the available features for this font are 
common ligatures, Hebrew diacritics, Vietnamese double accents, Yiddish 
digraphs, but no small caps.

Alternatively, if you prefer a graphical user interface and have the 
Xcode tools installed, you may use 
/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Built\ Examples/WorldText.app: open 
WorldText, go to Font/Show Fonts… and select, in the Font palette that 
appears, Lucida Grande Regular. Near the lower left corner of this 
palette there is a small wheel icon which, upon clicking, reveals a 
submenu: in this submenu, select Typography… and you'll see a window 
containing the same info as AAT-info.pdf.

There is a Lucida Bright Small Caps Regular font, but it's not included 
in Panther: it's part of the commercial Lucida Bright Expert package 
available from Y&Y <http://www.yandy.com/lucida.htm>. I don't think 
you'd want these fonts: these are fonts done specially for TeX, and 
which do not work well with other OS X applications; moreover, Lucida 
Bright Small Caps is a serif font, designed to match the serif Lucida 
Bright, and distinct from the sans serif Lucida Grande.

That said, I have replaced myself happily the CM fonts by Lucida 
Bright/New Math in my daily use of TeX for a long time, and I quite 
enjoy and recommend them, but, again, I don't think that's what you're 
asking about here.

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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