[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Funding call (JAW 2019-02-15 09:30)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Feb 15 10:21:35 CET 2019

MOTION: That the Committee approves the current text of 
http://uk.tug.org/about/funding/ (as detailed in the appendix) for 
promotion both within the TeX community and more widely.

PROPOSED BY: Joseph Wright

VOTING CLOSES: 2019-02-22 23:59

APPENDIX: The text reads:

UK-TUG has funds available for supporting TeX-related projects. We 
invite submission of applications for support of projects. Project 
applications will be considered by the Committee, who will consider 
benefit to the TeX community both in the UK and more widely. Example 
projects could include: software projects, projects aimed at providing 
training and teaching resources users, documentation projects, support 
for meetings etc.

Applications should be no longer than 2 sides and should detail:

1.    Background to the project.
2.    What the objectives of the proposed project are.
3.    Any work completed to date.
4.    Programme of work, for example work to be done, key milestones.
5.    How the requested resources will be used.
6.    How the project will benefit TeX users.

There is no deadline for submission of proposals, and we are happy to 
receive applications of support for projects of all sizes. Of course, 
funds are limited and so those who apply earlier are more likely to 
succeed! Please e-mail the committee for more details or to apply for funds.

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