[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] 3 changes to regulations for Absent voting

Jay Hammond homemade at talktalk.net
Fri Oct 25 23:27:29 CEST 2013

On 23 Oct 2013 at 12:36, Jay Hammond wrote:

> UKTUG committee resolves
> 1) to repeal the regulation archived as 
> http://tug.org/mailman/htdig/uktug-committee-motions/2006q4/000130.htm
> 2)	to enact the following regulation:
> Any vote validly cast under bye-laws shall be deemed to have been 
> cast by a member present and voting at the relevant general meeting.
> 3) to amend the regulation archived as:
> "[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Proxy voting at AGM (JAW-14/07/11 15:15)"
> to read as follows
> "That the committee may accept proxy votes at any General Meeting, 
> such that:
> a) Appointment of a proxy may be effected by communicating it in 
> written form to the Secretary
> before the meeting;
> b) The proxy appointed may be the Chair or any other person;
> c) In the case where the Chair is appointed as proxy, the member can
> direct the use of their vote for each motion put, or may leave this 
> to
> the discretion of the Chair;
> d) In the case where a proxy is appointed but the member then attends 
> in
> person, the proxy votes will be discarded and the member may vote as 
> normal.
> "
> proposed by Jay Hammond
> Jay Hammond
> homemade at talktalk.net 


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Jay Hammond

homemade at talktalk.net 

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