[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] 3 changes to regulations for Absent voting

Jay Hammond homemade at talktalk.net
Wed Oct 23 13:36:19 CEST 2013

UKTUG committee resolves

1) to repeal the regulation archived as 


and repeated immediately below 

"That the Committee enact the following regulation,

1. The regulation is in accordance with Clause 21.3 of
the Constitution, which empowers the Committee to "make
regulations for enabling members who are individuals and
are unable to be present to vote by proxy or in writing".

2.  This regulations repeals that part of any previous
regulations that relates to absent voting.

3.  At least seven days before the General Meeting the
Secretary shall send an email containing only the
text of the motions, explanatory notes to the motions,
and voting instructions to those members who accept
email delivery.

4.  A print out of the email shall be sent to those members
who accept only printed delivery, at the same time as the
email delivery.

5.  The closing date for receipt of absent votes will
be 24 hours before the start of the General Meeting."

2)	to enact the following regulation:

Any vote validly cast under bye-laws shall be deemed to have been 
cast by a member present and voting at the relevant general meeting.

3) to amend the regulation archived as:
"[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Proxy voting at AGM (JAW-14/07/11 15:15)"

and repeated immediately below 
"That the committee may accept proxy votes at the AGM, such that:
a) Appointment of a proxy may be  effected by e-mail to the Secretary
before the meeting;
b) The proxy appointed may be the Chair or any other person;
c) In the case where the Chair is appointed as proxy, the member can
direct the use of their vote for each motion put, or may leave this 
the discretion of the Chair;
d) In the case where a proxy is appointed but the member then attends 
person, the proxy votes will be discarded and the member may vote as 

to read as follows

"That the committee may accept proxy votes at any General Meeting, 
such that:
a) Appointment of a proxy may be effected by communicating it in 
written form to the Secretary
before the meeting;
b) The proxy appointed may be the Chair or any other person;
c) In the case where the Chair is appointed as proxy, the member can
direct the use of their vote for each motion put, or may leave this 
the discretion of the Chair;
d) In the case where a proxy is appointed but the member then attends 
person, the proxy votes will be discarded and the member may vote as 

proposed by Jay Hammond

Jay Hammond

homemade at talktalk.net 

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