[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] Support for training course, London, January 2012 (JAW-31/10/2011 15:10)

simon at getthingsfixed.co.uk simon at getthingsfixed.co.uk
Mon Nov 7 09:54:36 CET 2011

On Monday 31 October 2011 15:12:25 Joseph Wright wrote:
> That the Committee agree to support a LaTeX training session at the
> University of East Anglia's facility in London in January 2012 by:
>   a) paying the up-front fees for room hire and refreshments;
>   b) underwriting the difference between the costs of holding the course
>      and the fee paid by participants;
>   c) paying reasonable travel expenses for the UK-TUG members leading
>      the course;
>   d) waiving the UK-TUG joining fee for those attending the course.
> PROPOSED: Joseph Wright


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