[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] [Fwd: Re: [UKTUG-Committee] Returning Officers for Elections (JF-05/09/10-10:15)]

Jonathan Fine jfine at pytex.org
Fri Sep 10 10:41:06 CEST 2010

Forward, for the record.
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An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: "Jonathan Webley" <jonathan.webley at uwclub.net>
Subject: Re: [UKTUG-Committee] Returning Officers for Elections
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 07:05:16 +0100
Size: 6142
URL: <http://tug.org/pipermail/uktug-committee-motions/attachments/20100910/f6374321/attachment.eml>

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