[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] (JF-25/01/09-21:30) Appointment of Joseph Wright as webmaster

Charles M. Goldie C.M.Goldie at sussex.ac.uk
Mon Jan 26 13:09:28 CET 2009

FOR: Charles Goldie.

--On 25 January 2009 21:32 +0000 Jonathan Fine <jfine at pytex.org>

> That the committee accepts Dave Crossland's offer to cease to
> be the  webmaster and that we appoint Joseph Wright as
> webmaster.
> PROPOSED: Jonathan FIne
> VOTING CLOSES: 1/02/09 23:59
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Charles M. Goldie
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Mantell Building
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RF

Tel: (+44) (0) 1273 678311
Fax: (+44) (0) 1273 678097

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