[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] (DS-17/08/07-18:00)

Jay Hammond homemade at talktalk.net
Fri Aug 24 12:54:05 CEST 2007

On 17/08/07, David Saunders <david at symplectic.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> MOTION: The UK-TUG Committee hereby adopts the Accounts for the
> financial year 1st August 2006 to 31st July 2007, as presented in the 
> post "[UKTUG-Committee] Accounts; Treasurer's absence" dated
> 17/08/2007 17:57
> PROPOSED: David Saunders
> VOTING CLOSES: 24/08/07 23:59
FOR: Jay Hammond

Jay Hammond
homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk

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