[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] JF-30/3/2007-12:10

Charles M. Goldie C.M.Goldie at sussex.ac.uk
Sat Mar 31 10:45:50 CEST 2007

--On 30 March 2007 12:30 +0100 "J.Fine" <J.Fine at open.ac.uk> wrote:

> MOTION:  That UK TUG organise a meeting on the theme of
> publishing technical material in new and old media, to take
> place at the Open University, Milton Keynes, and to have the UK
> TUG AGM as part of the program.
> NOTE:  The exact date of the meeting is to be determined later,
> by another motion.
> PROPOSED:  Jonathan Fine
> VOTING CLOSES: Saturday 7 April, 11.59pm

FOR: Charles Goldie.

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