[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] membership & mailings the data

Jay Hammond homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk
Mon Sep 18 16:53:34 CEST 2006

The membership data has been updated recently, and as there are 
requests for 

the data (for various uses, such as creating the automated mailing 
lists, and a manual mailing)

a backup; (following concerns that there is no recent off site 
snapshot backed up aka "under a bus" scenario 
I herewith post the data to this list for all current committee 

This has to stay confidential of course, it's not part of the archive 
we can release to people not on the 2005/6 committee.

best jay

it's in ISO format, .ods open document spreadsheet. Other formats 
available from Jay

Jay Hammond
homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk

[enclosure removed]


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