[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] JF-15/9/2006-11:38 Appointment of David Saunders as Returning Office for election of Chair

Jay Hammond homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk
Fri Sep 15 16:33:53 CEST 2006

Date sent:      	Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:40:18 +0100
From:           	"J.Fine" <J.Fine at open.ac.uk>
To:             	<uktug-committee-motions at uk.tug.org>
Subject:        	[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] JF-15/9/2006-11:38 Appointment of David
	Saunders as Returning Office for election of Chair
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> MOTION:  That David Saunders be appointed Returning Officer for the
> 2006
> election of Chair.
> PROPOSED:  Jonathan Fine
> VOTING CLOSES: Friday 22 September, 23.59
> _______________________________________________
> UKTUG-Committee-Motions mailing list
> postmaster at tug.org
> http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/uktug-committee-motions


I'll be delighted to second this, since Jonathan F proposed it.
Since the committee apart from the candidates must manage the 
returning officer, those committee members are encouraged to vote!


Jay Hammond
homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk

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