[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] [UKTUG-Committee] Bursary sub-committee

Jay Hammond homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk
Thu Jul 6 23:38:06 CEST 2006

> Hello
> First, at the foot of this message I ask Jay a very important
> question.
> In fact, let's ask it here as well.
> Jay:  You are (at present) the only person who can email members. 
> Is
> there any reason why the notice cannot be sent out to all members
> on
> Sunday?

Yes, I'm moving address temporarily
(till about September)  during building works.

phone no 020 8969 1643 from monday till mid september

My email address will stay the same for now.

I won't have access to computer until next week once I pack it up for 
transport on Friday.

the appended  list of emails is uptodate this evening. I can email 
the  postal members in a few days time.  

Any volunteers to bulk mail??

Please note that the list is invalid for all purposes except this  
mailshot, and should be discarded safely when not needed.

Also, Mr Secretary, has the enabling motion passed?
I've not counted votes yet.

best Jay
Jay Hammond
homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk


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