[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] [UKTUG-Committee] Bursary sub-committee

Jay Hammond homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk
Tue Jul 4 15:46:26 CEST 2006

> Hello
> I don't like this motion, because it delegates powers to a vague
> group.
> Namely:
> > The sub-committee will consist of the treasurer and such other 
> > committee members who consent to join.

given the size of the committee this is a very small set.

> It then contradicts itself:
> > the committee may co-opt non-committee members

the constitution requires this.

it was to clarify I did not intend to be ultra vires.

> Also, I don't see why this motion is urgent.
> > please vote ASAP 
> Is there something important I've missed in the prior discussion?


we are not issuing offers for grants till we have passed a motion 
that spends the money on this purpose.

I want to put a para about grants in the flier - as do we all I 

see my email to charles goldie.
cc'd to you, JF

> Jonathan

Jay Hammond
homemade at homemade.free-online.co.uk

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