[UKTUG-Committee-Motions] (DS-09/03/06-08:26) Bank account signatories 1

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Fri Mar 10 09:55:56 CET 2006

David Saunders wrote:

> MOTION: UK Tex Users' Group hereby instructs Lloyds TSB, with respect to 
> the UK-TUG CCS Account, to change the address of the organisation as 
> follows:
> New contact name: David Saunders
> New mailing address and new official address: Cloma Farmhouse, 30 Little 
> Horwood Road, Great Horwood, Milton Keynes, MK17 0QE
> PROPOSED: David Saunders

 > AYE : Philip TAYLOR

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