[UK-TUG] UK-TUG Renewal 2019

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Thu Jan 10 23:17:37 CET 2019

On 10/01/2019 11:44, Joseph Wright wrote:
> Dear Member,
> Membership for UK-TUG runs for a calender year and renewals are
> therefore now due for 2019. Renewal may be made on-line using PayPal:
>       http://uk.tug.org/membership/
> or may be made by post using the attached form.
> These is no fee for continuing UK-TUG membership this year. Joint 
> UK-TUG/TUG membership is £57, and concessions for joint membership are £39.
> Electronic-only access to TUGboat is available directly from TUG.
> Regards,
> Joseph Wright
> Secretary

Dear Member,

To be clear:
- No forms are required to maintain membership
- No fees are payable for UK-TUG renewal this year, and any
   £10 PayPal payments from existing members will be refunded


Joseph Wright

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