[UK-TUG] AGM and Speaker Meeting information

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Thu Nov 8 23:48:07 CET 2018

Dear Member,

Final arrangements are now in place for the AGM and Speaker Meeting
taking place on the 17th. As previously notified, this will take place 
at Trinity College, Oxford. This year we will be in the Fletcher Room 
toward the rear of the college. (For members who have been before, the 
Fletcher Room is the small room in the basement, sometimes referred to 
as 'the dungeon'.)


The Treasurer's report is attached.

Minutes of the last meeting

The draft minutes for the 2017 AGM are attached.

Election of Chair

No nominations were received in time to be put to the meeting. Kaveh 
Barzagan will remain as Chair up to the end of the formal AGM business. 
As detailed in the constitution, the incoming committee will need to 
select a Chair from its members; a new election for Chair will need to 
be held for the 2019 AGM cycle, or may be held as part of electronic 
business, at the discretion of the incoming committee.


No motions were received in time to be put to the meeting. It is likely
that the incoming committee will need to arrange an electronic meeting
to allow for administrative motions to be passed.

AGM Agenda

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the last meeting
  3. Secretary's report
  4. Treasurer's report and accounts
  5. Election of Chair
  6. Election of committee for 2018-19
  7. Any other business

Members not present

In addition to the above, if you will not be present at the AGM but wish
for a particular issue to be raised, please reply to this message with
the detail. The Secretary will then raise the matter at the AGM on your

Meeting programme

An outline timetable for the day as a whole is

   10:00 Arrival/coffee
   10:15 Talk session 1
   12:00 Lunch and informal discussion
   14:00 UK-TUG AGM
   14:30 Talk session 2
   16:00 Close

Attendance at the meeting is free. Arrangements for lunch have been
previously notified.

I will be at the venue from approximately 9:30 am: should anyone need to
contact me for directions my number is 0797 4148180.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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