[UK-TUG] UK-TUG Renewal 2018

Denis M. Wilson dmw at oxytropis.plus.com
Wed Jan 3 18:13:56 CET 2018

Hello Joseph,

Paypal US wants me to update my browser which means upgrading my whole
Linux system, which will be a long way in the future. Paypal UK is OK.
Any way round this or will I have to use snail mail?


On Wed, 3 Jan 2018 09:34:00 +0000
Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk> wrote:

> Dear Member,
> Membership for UK-TUG runs for a calender year and renewals are
> therefore now due for 2018. Renewal may be made on-line using PayPal:
>      http://uk.tug.org/membership/
> or may be made by post using the attached form.
> The fee for membership for 2018 is £10, joint UK-TUG/TUG
> membership is £63, and concessions for joint membership are £41.
> Electronic-only access to TUGboat is available directly from TUG.
> Regards,
> Joseph Wright
> Secretary


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