[UK-TUG] Renewal Notice

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Dec 26 11:01:40 CET 2014

Dear Member,

Membership renewal

UK-TUG membership runs for a calender year, and your membership is
therefore due for renewal. Payment of membership fees can be made either
by PayPal, direct transfer or cheque. Fees for 2015 are:

 - UK-TUG only £10
 - UK-TUG and TUG £50
 - UK-TUG and TUG (concession) £35

Payment by PayPal

PayPal payment is available: please visit http://uk.tug.org/membership/
and use the 'Buy Now' button with the appropriate option.

Payment by direct transfer

If you choose to pay your fees by direct deposit please let me know by
e-mail <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>, including a statement of
how much you have paid.

The UK-TUG bank details are

  Account number: 01420615
  Sort code:      30-96-28

Payment by cheque

If paying by cheque, please return a completed copy of the attached
membership form along with your payment.

If you require a receipt, please note this on the form.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary
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