[UK-TUG] Reminder: Renewal notice

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sun Feb 10 12:17:51 CET 2013

Dear Member,

Thank you very much to everyone who has renewed their membership for
2013. It's easy to loose the e-mail at the turn of the year: if you've
not renewed yet, please take a look at the detail below.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [UK-TUG] Renewal notice
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 10:25:30 +0000
From: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
Reply-To: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
To: UK-TUG Announce <uktug-announce at tug.org>

Dear Member,

Happy New Year!

Membership renewal

UK-TUG membership runs for a calender year, and your membership is
therefore due for renewal. Payment of membership fees can be made either
by direct transfer or cheque. Fees for 2013 are:

 - UK-TUG only £10
 - UK-TUG and TUG £50
 - UK-TUG and TUG (concession) £35

Payment by direct transfer

If you choose to pay your fees by direct deposit please let me know by
e-mail <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>, including a statement of how
much you have paid.

The UK-TUG bank details are

  Account number: 01420615
  Sort code:      30-96-28

For members outside of the UK, the following may also be needed

  BIC (SWIFT) code: LOYDGB21274
  IBAN code:        GB26 LOYD 3096 2801 4206 15

Payment by cheque

If paying by cheque, please return a completed copy of the attached
membership form along with your payment.

If you require a receipt, please note this on the form.

Payment by other means

If neither direct transfer nor cheque are possible for you, please
contact me <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk> to arrange an alternative.

Other news

The new year is a good opportunity to remind members of the work of the
committee. UK-TUG relies on the efforts of a number of volunteers, in
particular our Treasurer, John Peters. By the next AGM, John will have
done three years as Treasurer, and it's important that we plan ahead for
this vital role. John would ideally like to hand the task over at the
next AGM (probably in October), and while this is some way off it would
be extremely useful if the current committee included a 'trainee'.
Anyone interested in joining the committee with a view to taking up any
role should contact me, and I will ask the committee as a whole to
consider co-opting them.

Events for this year include as always our AGM, likely to be a Saturday
in October. The TUG conference this year is also in October
(http://www.tug.org/tug2013/), so there will be a bit more complexity to
the planning than is sometimes the case. It's also likely that the
'LaTeX trainers' will look to present 'LaTeX for Beginners' again over
the summer: details will follow when arrangements are firmed up.

Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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