[UK-TUG] AGM and Speaker Meeting information

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Oct 19 18:57:38 CEST 2012

Dear member,

For those people planning to attend tomorrow's meeting, an outline plan
for the day based on current information is

10:30 Coffee
11:00 '25 years of things wrong with longtable', David Carlisle
11:30 'Lua2DoX+TeX on the Raspberry Pi', Simon Dales
12:00 'arara comes to the UK', Paulo Cereda  (via Skype)
12:30 Lunch
13:00 'Coffins: boxes with handles', Joseph Wright
13:30 'TeX - challenges large and small', Jonathan Fine
14:00 UK-TUG AGM
15:00 TeX Gyre Math update, Joseph Wright (slides from TG team)

with time later in the day for a TeX-related discussion (topic to be
agreed by attendees).

Should anyone need to contact a member of the committee, my mobile
number is 0797 4148180. I should be at the venue by 10 am.


Joseph Wright

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