[UK-TUG] Fwd: (La)TeX Copyeditors Sought

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Jul 3 19:15:42 CEST 2012

Dear Member,

As detailed below, there are opportunities for copy editors with (La)TeX
experience at a UK-based publisher. Any interested members should
contact the publisher directly.


Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

-------- Original Message --------
From: Anne-Marie Ainsworth <Anne-Marie.Ainsworth at biomedcentral.com>

BioMed Central is currently improving the way in which we produce and
display formulae-rich articles. The past year has seen us launch many
more Mathematics and Physics based articles, through our own
BMC-platform and also the Open Access platform that we collaborate with
our parent company on - SpringerOpen.  Some of the ways in which we have
been able to provide an improved service to our authors include:

*	We are now working with Typesetters who use a TeX-based workflow and
work from our author's original source files. One of the companies we
have the pleasure of working closely with is VTeX, the home of Lithuania
TUG. VTeX have been invaluable to us over the past year. Not only do
they typeset a number of our SpringerOpen journals but they have also
provide great insight when we were putting out new systems in place.
*	VTeX have also created a new (and much more user-friendly) TeX
template for us, which we are due to release soon.
*	We have improved the display of formulae within the HTML (Online
Full-text); through the implementation of MathJaX (http://www.mathjax.org/ )
Most of our content is copyedited as part of the typesetting, and the
number of articles which are submitted in TeX, that require high-level
copyediting for language is minimal (only a handful every year). However
we are expecting this number to increase over the next year due to the
recent developments listed above attracting more TeX-based authors to
our existing journals, and the forthcoming launch of many more
Mathematics and Physics journals.

We would like to be prepared to receive more TeX submissions from our
authors, and are therefore looking to add copyeditors who are
comfortable editing TeX files.

If you are interested, please send a CV and/or description of your
copyediting experience, summarise your rates, and we will get back to
you. Please feel free to forward to any colleagues who may be interested.

For your reference, listed are examples of some of our journals on each
platform (SpringerOpen and BioMed Central):


Nanoscale Research Letters:

Journal of Mathematics in Industry:

BioMed Central

Parasites & Vectors :

Critical Care:

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once again, many thanks for your help,
Anne-Marie Ainsworth
Assistant Manager (TeX), Production

BioMed Central
Floor 6, 236 Gray's Inn Road
London, WC1X 8HL
United Kingdom
E: anne-marie.ainsworth at biomedcentral.com
W: www.biomedcentral.com <http://www.biomedcentral.com/>

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