[UK-TUG] Fwd: BachoTeX 2012 -- call for papers and participation

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Wed Mar 14 08:20:24 CET 2012

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: BachoTeX 2012 -- call for papers and participation
From: Jerzy Ludwichowski <Jerzy.Ludwichowski at uni.torun.pl>

Twenty years after
2012 is a celebration year for GUST: we will be celebrating the
twentieth GUST anniversary and, not incidentally, the twentieth
BachoTeX. A lot did happen across the century and millennium
borders since founding GUST in 1992 followed by the first
BachoTeX in 1993. A lot in terms of both information technology
progress in general and TeX-with-friends in particular.

The world has changed and TeXies have changed. Or have they? So
many of them were comming to BachoTeXs — wouldn't it be nice to
meet them again and find out how are they and what they are
doing? We thought so, thus two goals have been set for this
year's BachoTeX:

  * first — the bread-and-butter TeX and TeX-and-friends stuff
  * second and last but not least — to get as many as possible
    former BachoTeX participants for a reunion (this is not to say
    that newcomers are not welcome...)

This is serious: please help to spread the word by finding and
inviting your friends whom you remember seeing at one of our

To cater for the conference title: we plan a small, special
session plus a corner somewhere devoted to the history of the
conference: any ideas? Think of gadgets, photographs, anecdotes,
presentations, recordings, whatever... And — any thoughts as to
why we are still around?

And now the conference content proper: we look forward to the
normal mix of TeX, METAPOST, ConTeXt, LaTeX, and friends related
presentations (please not not forget about fonts). There is also
the emerging BachoTeX trend of looking for a coming-together of
programmers and designers of typographic systems, typographers
and other users of such systems, so papers and activities in that
area are also most welcome. Please note the “Call for TeX Pearls”
further down.

The normal channel of offering papers is the emailing of
proposals to the Program Committee, but before rushing off to the
mailer, please consult the info for authors.

Workshops and tutorials
Especially welcome are proposals for TeX-related tutorials or
introductions. If you have suggestions for tutorials or workshops
by others than yourself or about specific topics, please let us

Poster sessions
Participants will be given the opportunity to present their TeX
and typographic results in the form of posters for which we
provide exhibition space.

Call for TeX Pearls
We continue the tradition of the “Pearls of TeX Programming”.
Details and previously collected pearls can be found at

The TeX Clinic
We hope that more advanced TeXies will help out the TeX Clinic
team led by Joanna Ryćko. We'd like to continue the initiative
with the aim to draw in TeX beginners.

Deadlines and addresses
The deadline for abstracts and other proposals is March 28th
2012. The deadline for final papers to appear in the conference
materials is April 11th.

Contributions should be send by email to the Program Committee:
prog-2012 at gust dot org dot pl. The PC is chaired by Bogusław
Jackowski (b underscore jackowski at gust dot org dot pl).

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