[UK-TUG] Notice of Special Electronic General Meeting

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sun Nov 27 13:45:14 CET 2011

Dear Member,

As previously notified, a Special Electronic General Meeting (SEGM) of
UK-TUG will take place from 28/11/2011 (00:01) to 04/12/2011 (23:59),


The Committee has called the meeting in order to consider motions which
it was not possible to vote on at the AGM. Members may also wish to
raise other matters for consideration by the SEGM. Discussions should
take place on the 'announce' list: uktug-announce at tug.org.


I have received four motions for consideration.

1) That this meeting approves the accounts for 2010-11.

2) That the membership fee for 2012 be £10 for all individual
   members (apart from life members), and that there be no
   additional entrance fee.

3) That the Constitution be amended, replacing 24.2(a) by

     24.2 (a) The committee of UK-TUG  shall prepare in respect of
              each financial year of UK-TUG a statement of accounts
              complying with such requirements as to its form and
              contents as may be prescribed for registered charities by
              the Secretary of State.

   and replacing 24.3 by

     24.3 (a) The statement of accounts for each financial year shall
              be presented to the Annual General Meeting immediately
              following the end of that financial year, together with
              the report of any inspector or auditor appointed under
              24.3(b) below.

     24.3 (b) For a financial year where a statutory requirement for an
              independent examination or full audit of accounts would
              exist under the Charity Act 1993 as amended by the
              Charity Act 2006, were UK-TUG a registered charity, the
              AGM will appoint an inspector or auditor (as
              appropriate) for the following year.

     24.3 (c) For a financial year where no statutory scrutiny of
              accounts is required by clause 24.3(b), the AGM will
              arrange for such degree of inspection of the forthcoming
              accounts as is deemed prudent in the circumstances.

 4) (To be considered only if Motion 3 is approved.) That the committee
    is directed to appoint a scrutineer in accordance with section
    24.3(c) of the constitution.

    The scrutineer’s duties are to receive an additional copy of all
    bank statements of UK-TUG directly from the bank, to sign and date
    those statements on receipt, and to forward to the Secretary an
    electronically scanned copy of each signed statement. The
    scrutineer shall keep the originals for a period of 4 years, and
    shall produce them on being  required to do so by a motion passed
    at an AGM of UK-TUG within a period of 3 years after the close of
    the financial year to which they refer.

    The Secretary shall confirm to the AGM that the signed
    statements have been received from the scrutineer and a statement
    to that effect shall be included in the financial report
    circulated to all members.

    The Treasurer shall include in the annual statement of accounts a
    complete list of the amounts and beneficiaries of all payments
    made during the accounting period.

*Voting procedure*

Voting on the motions should take place by e-mail to the Committee:
uktug-committee at uk.tug.org. Please indicate FOR/AGAINST/ABSTAIN for
motions 1 to 4. To be valid, votes must be placed during the period of
the SEGM, i.e. from 28/11/2011 (00:01) to 04/12/2011 (23:59), inclusive.

Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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