[UK-TUG] Speaker meeting & AGM, 22nd October, Oxford

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Sep 27 17:01:48 CEST 2011

Hello Member,

As in previous years, the UK-TUG AGM will form part of a wider day of
TeX-related talks and discussions. The meeting will be taking place as
previously-notified in the Sutro Room at Trinity College, Oxford.

An outline timetable for the day is

  10:30 Arrival
  11:00 Talk session 1
  12:30 Lunch
  13:00 TeX-related discussion session
  14:00 UK-TUG AGM
  15:00 Talk session 2
  16:30 Close

Members interested in giving a talk are encouraged to contact the
committee with titles. We hope that the talk sessions will be flexible,
both in terms of the length of talks and the surrounding discussion.
(This was the model at last years 'Unconference' event.)

The discussion session will again be flexible, with one possible area
for disucssion being 'TeX Live: What we can learn from TL2011'.

The Committee do hope that as many members as possible are able to
attend. There will of course be a report after the event on the UK-TUG
website (http://uk.tug.org).

Joseph Wright

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