[UK-TUG] Fwd: EuroBachoTeX 2011 -- Call for papers

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Mon Jan 17 23:00:15 CET 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: EuroBachoTeX 2011 -- Call for papers
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 21:44:56 +0100
From: Jerzy Ludwichowski <Jerzy.Ludwichowski at uni.torun.pl>

EuroBachoTeX 2011: CALL FOR PAPERS


The BachoTeX conference in 2011, the XIXth of the series, will be held
from April 29th through May 3rd 2011. It will also be the official
EuroTeX conference, hence we will reference it by the traditional name
EuroBachoTeX with the distinguishing ``2011''. BachoTeX conferences have
been organized yearly since 1993 by GUST, the Polish TeX Users Group.
Please visit the main site of the conference:
http://www.gust.org.pl/bachotex/2011 .

As the lead theme we propose the aesthetics of publications from the
perspective of the effectiveness of the message. Encouraged are also
references to the cultural contexts -- not everything is liked by
everyone everywhere.

We look forward to TeX, METAPOST, ConTeXt, LaTeX, and friends related
presentations revolving around those issues, but will be more than
happy if programmers and designers of typographic systems,
typographers and other users of such systems want to share their
thoughts and experience.

In addition, we look forward to papers on support that typography
systems can offer to the disabled, e.g., in connection with sign
languages or generating speech (e.g., from TeX's mathematical
notation). Perhaps somebody looked into issues with non-alphabetic
notations such as tablature.

Also, please note the ``Call for TeX Pearls'' below.


Especially welcome are proposals for TeX-related tutorials or
introductions. If you have suggestions for tutorials or workshops
by others than yourself or about specific topics, please let us know.


All participants will be given the opportunity to present their TeX
and typographic results in the form of posters. We will provide
exhibition space. Perhaps new ideas or solutions will emerge?


We are continuing the tradition of ``The Pearls of TeX Programming''.
Here is, briefly, what is wanted:

* short TeX, METAFONT or METAPOST macro(s), not necessarily useful,

* the solution not obvious at the first glance,

* easy to explain: necessarily 10 minutes at most.

If you have something that fits the bill, please consider submitting
a proposal. If you know of somebody's work that does the same, please
let us know, and we will contact that person.
The email address is: pearls at gust dot org dot pl.
Previously collected pearls can be found at


We hope that more advanced TeX ies will help out the TeX Clinic team
led by Joanna Ryćko (http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/klinika).


The deadline for abstracts and other proposals is March 28th 2011.
The deadline for final papers to appear in the conference materials
is April 11th.

Contributions should be sent by email to the Programme Committee:
prog-ebt2011 at gust dot org dot pl. The PC is chaired by
Bogusław Jackowski (b underscore jackowski at gust dot org dot pl).

The PDF version of this call is available at the conference page.

Best regards,
Jerzy Ludwichowsi

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