[UK-TUG] Motions for the AGM

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Mon Oct 4 09:48:21 CEST 2010

Dear Member,

The following motions have been proposed for consideration at the AGM:

1. That this meeting approves the accounts for 2009-10.

2. That this meeting delegates authority to appoint an inspector for the 
2010-11 accounts to the Committee, who shall decide after taking advice 
from the Treasurer.

(Explanatory Note: It is sensible for the Inspector to be someone with 
whom the new Treasurer has a professional relationship, if possible, as 
this will facilitate communication.)

3. That the membership fee for 2010 be £10 for all individual members 
(apart from life members), and that there be no additional entrance fee.

(Explanatory Note: The reason for this proposal is explained in the 
Treasurer's Report for 2009-10.)

Full details of the AGM were circulated previously: it will take place a 
2 pm on the 16th of October at the Birmingham & Midland Institute.

Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Secretary

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