[UK TUG] Come to the FLOSS unconference, 16 October, Birmingham

Jonathan Fine jfine at pytex.org
Thu Sep 23 20:34:48 CEST 2010

Dear Member

This year the AGM meeting will be a bit different.  It will be part of 
tne FLOSS Unconference, which takes place in Birmingham on Saturday 16th 
October.  You don't need to book, just to turn up is enough.

At the start of the day everyone gets up in turn and says who they are, 
what their interests are, and what they'd like to do.  Based on this we 
get topics and then a schedule for the day.

We'll be sharing the unconference with local Linux user groups, 
Birmingham Permongers, PyCon UK (Python) and the West Midlans Ruby User 
Group.  (FLOSS stands for free/libre/open source software.)

The unconference is at the Birmingham Midland Institute, in the city 
centre.  Other nearby attractions in Birmingham on the day are the 
Staffordshire hoard and the Steve McCurry photography retrospective.

http://www.bmag.org.uk/events?id=605  # McCurry

So if you're interested, please visit our wiki page on the FLOSS site 
and tell us who you and and what you'd like to do.  (I've done this 


If you've got a talk to give the Committee can probably help with travel 
expenses, so just ask.

best regards

Jonathan Fine (UK TUG Chair)

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