[UK-TUG] Elections, AGM, Birmingham meeting

Jonathan Fine jfine at pytex.org
Fri Aug 13 10:12:06 CEST 2010

Dear member

There will be elections for Chair and Committee later this year.  After
four years as Chair I intend to stand down, as will our even
longer-serving and more capable Treasurer (David Saunders).

The committee has not yet made arrangements for these elections, but
closing dates for nominations will be no earlier than mid-September.  So
if you'd like to contribute to TeX in the UK as Chair or Committee
member, please consider standing.

We're thinking of holding the AGM as part of the FOSS (Free and Open
Source Software) Unconference in Birmingham, which takes place on
Saturday 16th October.

The venue is the classic 'Birmingham and Midland Institute', in the city
centre, just a couple of minutes from the Art Gallery and Museum, which
is running an exhibition on the spectacular Anglo-Saxon Staffordshire
hoard of gold and silver jewellry.

So please do consider standing for the committee, and let us know how 
you feel about our plans for the AGM.  Press 'Reply' to send a message 
to the committee.

with best regards

Jonathan Fine (Chair)

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