Joseph Wright joseph.wright at
Fri Oct 23 16:01:11 CEST 2009

This is to give you formal notice of the 2009 Annual General
Meeting of the UK TeX Users Group, and to tell you about submitting
motions and standing for the Committee.

Information about the Speaker Meeting taking place at the same time is
on our web site, and will also be
circulated separately.

We will be sending out Accounts for 2008-09 and officers
reports shortly, and also be posting these to the website.

Date, time and location of AGM

The AGM will take place on Saturday 14nd November, from 2pm to 3pm. If
further time is required, the Committee expects the AGM will decide to
adjourn until 5pm.

The AGM will take place at
    Physics and Astronomy, Room E7
    University College London
    London (walking distance from Euston)

All members are entitled to attend the AGM, and without charge.

Standing for the Committee

Under the Constitution (clause 17(5)), all members of the Committee
apart from the Chair retire at the start of the AGM, and can stand
for re-election. The Chair was elected last year for a two year
term, and so there is no election for Chair this year.

Nominations for the Committee must be received before the formal
start of the AGM: there is no notice period. The signature of the
candidate and a proposer are required for a valid nomination.

Please consider joining the Committee, and do contact me or the
committee if you would like more information, or would like one of us to
nominate you (mailto:uktug-committee at

Submitting motions to the AGM

Any member wishing to submit a motion to the AGM should do so by
writing to the Secretary, to arrive by the 31st of October (i.e.
14 days before the AGM, as required by clause 10(5) of the

A seconder is not required to submit a motion.

Writing to the Secretary

Written communications should be sent to the address below.
Sending a copy by email would be much appreciated.

  David Crossland
  19 Hawker Close
  BH21 1XW

mailto:secretary at

With best regards,

Jonathan Fine (Chair, UK-TUG)

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