AGM and Speaker Meeting, 14th November 2009, UCL, London

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at
Thu Nov 5 09:30:49 CET 2009

Dear fellow TeX User,

The AGM of the UK TeX Users Group will take place on Saturday 14th
November at 2pm at

     Physics and Astronomy, Room E7
     University College London
     London (walking distance from Euston)

The entrance to the room is inside the main quadrangle of UCL. Enter
from Gower Street, and the entrance to the building is in the far left
corner. We will put up some signs from there: if you get lost please
call 0797 414 8180!

There will be a speaker meeting and workshop as part of the AGM day, to
run from 11 am to 5 pm. The outline programme is:


11 pm Arrival, and coffee is available

11:30 am to 1 pm

Jonathan Fine:  "Report on Mathematical Content Workshop"

Joseph Wright: "xparse - beyond \newcommand"

Lightening talks: Open to anyone to give a 5 to 10 minute talk on any
TeX related subject of their choice

1 pm to 2 pm Lunch/informal discussions

2 pm to 3 pm UK-TUG AGM

3pm to 5pm Workshop on TeX documentation and support


If you wish to give a talk, either in the lightning sessions or a longer
presentation, the committee would like to hear from you.

There is no charge for attending any part of the session: non-members
are also welcome, but of course cannot vote at the AGM!

Joseph Wright
UK-TUG Membership Secretary

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