Fwd: LUG-boards: BachoTeX 2009 -- registration activated and deadline extension

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Mar 20 13:32:51 CET 2009

-------- Original Message --------
From: Jerzy Ludwichowski <Jerzy.Ludwichowski at uni.torun.pl>

Dear TeXies, TeX friends and lovers of fine typography --

Dear friends,

please pass on the message below to your members.

Best regards,

Jerzy Ludwichowski

The registration for participation at BachoTeX 2009
"TeX: at a turning point, or at the crossroads?" is now open
(visit http://gust.org.pl/bachotex/2009)-- please join!
Lower rates apply until the April 5th.

Do you like the conference logo?

We have also extended the deadlines for submitting papers
the deadline for abstracts and other proposals is the
March 27th and the deadline for final papers is
the April 10th.

The call for papers is to be found at

TeX gurus are reminded that we continue collecting
TeX pearls (http://gust.org.pl/projects/pearls).

Please come and and enjoy the unique company and environment
of the only TeX conference held for 17 years at the same place.

See you there!

Jerzy Ludwichowski
GUST, president

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