UK TUG: Baskerville, TeX at UKUUG meeting, JISC funding opportunity

Jonathan Fine jfine at
Sun Apr 19 12:28:52 CEST 2009

Dear UK TUG Member

The mailing has three topics.  (1)  Baskerville, (2) TeX at the UKUUG 
summer meeting, and (3) an funding opportunity for a TeX-related workshop.

1.  How would you like your Baskerville?

We're making progress on an issue of Baskerville (many thanks to the 
editor, Jonathan Webley) but don't know what format to use.

Previously, it was printed and bound A4, mailed to the members.  Would 
you like to continue as before, or would you like electronic only, or A5 

We've set up a little survey, that will take about one minute to 
complete, where you can express your preferences.  Please let us know:

2.  TeX at UK Unix Users Group summer meeting

The UK Unix Users Group summer meeting (Birmingham, Friday 7th to 
Sunday 9th August) will have a half-day TeX stream.  Joseph Wright and I 
  hope to give talks there.  There may also be some TeX training.  If 
you'd like to attend (or even give a talk) do get in touch with UK TUG 
and/or UK UUG.  (And many thanks to UKTUG and UKUUG member Niall 
Mansfield, who's done a lot to make this happen.)

3.  JISC funding workshops on e-content and digitisation

We have an opportunity to advance and improve the mathematical use of 
TeX in the UK.

JISC supports education and research in the UK by promoting innovation 
in new technologies.  They have recently announced funding for workshops 
to discuss issues related to e-content and digitisation.  Their 
announcement gives mathematical journals as an example.

This is part of a larger program.  For example, their Scholarly 
Communications Working Group have commissioned and published a report 
"Key Concerns within the Scholarly Communication Process", which is 
likely to interest many UK users of TeX.

Up to £8,000 is available for each workshop.  The deadline for proposals 
(which must be from a Higher Education institution in the UK) is Friday 
8th May.

If you'd like to attend such a workshop, or think that your employer 
might like to submit a TeX related proposal, please contact the 
Committee as soon as possible.

I am in a position to ask my employer, The Open University, to submit a 
proposal related to mathematical content (but am willing to defer to 
another institution).

with best regards

Jonathan Fine (Chair, UK TeX Users Group)

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