Project funding opportunities

Jonathan Underwood jonathan.underwood at
Wed Nov 21 22:15:19 CET 2007

UKTUG has a sum of £5000 available for supporting TeX related
projects, made available by a motion passed by its members. To that
end, we have set up a sub-committee to identify projects that the
members would like to support. The sub-committee comprises:
Jonathan Fine, Jonathan Underwood, David Saunders and David Crossland.

We are inviting submission of applications for support of projects.
Project applications will be circulated to all members for comment,
and where appropriate to independent referees also.

All projects that benefit the members will be considered. Examples
might be: software projects projects aimed at providing training and
teaching resources users, documentation projects, support for meetings
etc. UK TUG can pay for web-site hosting, travel to conferences,
purchase of books and similar materials.  It can also pay for team
members to travel to meet each other (but not for the work done at
that meeting).

Applications should be no longer than 2 sides and should detail:

1. The intended project
2. How the UK-TUG funding would be used.
3. what the objectives of the proposed project are
4. What timescale the project will be completed in
5. How the project will benefit UK-TUG members

The sub-committee will review all feedback from UK-TUG members and the
referee reports prior to making a decision on whether to support each

There is no deadline for submission of proposals, however funds are
limited. We are happy to receive applications of support for projects
of all sizes.

Sent by Jonathan Underwood on behalf of the Project Funding sub-committee.

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