TDS locations for graphics.sty, autopict.sty and friends.

David Carlisle
Mon, 29 Jan 96 17:01:03 GMT

The LaTeX `graphics' distribution and also autopict.sty (ie LaTeX
picture mode) would seem to be almost canonical examples of TDS
packages to be installed under tex/latex however as those of you on will have just seen, I just put on ctan plain TeX
versions of graphcs color and picture mode. These all work the same
way, the user goes 

\input graphicx

and graphicx.tex looks like (in fact is)

% Plain TeX interface to graphicx package.
% David Carlisle

\input miniltx
\input graphicx.sty

miniltx.tex is just whatever I needed to pull out of latex.ltx to get
the packages to load into plain.

The point of this message is that it occured to me that this
requires graphicx.sty (and hence graphics.sty, dvips.def etc etc) to be
in the input path of plain thus most likely in tex/generic/graphics or

Of course by making  miniltx.tex approach latex.ltx one could move
more and more of the tex/latex tree under tex/generic. This would seem
to be against the spirit of keeping formats separate in TDS. Not sure
what the politically correct solution is....
