[Tugindia] sort the information

tugindia@tug.org tugindia@tug.org
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 14:37:30 +0530 (IST)

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Baskaran.K wrote:

> Dear sirs,
> While I compiIe tex file, I extract some information from tex file to some
> other
> new file name; named "*.lis". After the extraction, I wish to sort the
> information before the compilation over.
> Any package available for this purpose.
> Kindly request your advice 
> Regards
> Baskaran nk

There is a package "texsort.sty" available which implements 
array like commands. This also include a command to sort a list
of numbers. But for this, I am not aware of any standard packages 
that can be used for sorting alphabets. Usually LaTeX make use of
the auxiliary programs like "makeindex" because they are very efficient.

You can find a style-file "sortedlist.sty" in the downloads section at 
"http://www.linuxtexnics.com" which could be useful. This was written 
for a special purpose and has certain limitations like, it sorts only 
the first 10 characters, it ignores any accents, it only takes the
labels in to account, etc. However for us it was sufficient to sort a list 
of around 130 names and addresses. The version we used will be uploaded

Hope the above will be of some use to you.

Mithran K. S.