[Tugindia] Too few argument: pdftex updation from TeXLive7

H S Rai tugindia@tug.org
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 20:18:20 +0530 (IST)

I tries to upgrade "pdftex" from TexLive7 CD, buy issuing:

./install-pkg.sh --package=pdftex

It gave following errors:

dirname: too few arguments
cat: language.us: No such file/ directory
cat: language.*.us: No such file/ directory
do work items listed in /tmp/.tmp.pkginst.2073/jobs
mktexlsr - done
updmap: command not found

I am using RedHat 7.1 and directory in whicl TeX is installed is

Can someone help me in advising how to upgrade pdfTeX?


"Sometimes   the  poorest   man  leaves   his  children   the  richest

                                              Ruth E. Renkel