[Tuglist] ps->pdf

Radhakrishnan C V tuglist@tug.org.in
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:35:41 +0530 (IST)

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 at 17:23, Kamala wrote:

   I used pdflatex to obtain a pdf document. I have all my figures
   in ps and eps format which I converted using epstopdf. The pdf
   document can be clearly viewed on both linux and windows. But
   there is one problem I am facing.. I use psfrag in my latex file
   to replace some of the text in the figures.  The texts are
   replaced in the ps file and not in pdf. Can anyone help me?

You need to create eps's of your figures separately, convert them to 
pdf, include them in your document and run pdflatex.

Since you are a GNU/Linux user, this can be accomplished by using my
own package, pdftricks.sty (available at CTAN) which is primarily
meant for using pstricks code in a pdfTeX document. I guess,
pdftricks can handle your psfrag code and eps figs in one go and
include them back into your document stream. Be warned that
pdftricks works only with web2c TeX (ie., TeXLive or teTeX) in any
Unix or Unix clone that supports shell-escape. Someone has ported
this to Windows, but I dont dare to support in windows.

Please get back if you find any problems.
