[Tuglist] Breaking a line
David Kastrup
20 Jun 2002 10:58:34 +0200
Nagesh Kini <kini_tug@yahoo.co.in> writes:
> Respected members of the list,
> This is not directly related to latex.
> I use vi for writing latex input files. When there is
> a loong line which appears on the screen to have
> spread over several lines it is not possible to move
> across and down the apparent paragraphs (which is in
> fact one single line) using "j" and "k". I have to use
> "h" and "l" which is a tedious process.
> Earlier when I was working on a redhat 6.0 machine a
> pair of slashes "\\" at the end of the apparent
> paragraph used to spilt the line to many single lines
> depending on the width of the screen. Now I am on a
> WOWlinux machine. This option is not there. Could you
> please help me?
Don't use long lines like that, split them by hand into proper lines
(this will not influence line breaking in LaTeX). Make your sources
If I remember correctly, something like
:set wm=8
or so will tell vi that it ought to wrap lines automatically when it
gets 8 characters close to the margin upon text entry.
Of course, I'd prefer Emacs myself...
David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
Email: David.Kastrup@t-online.de