[tlu] revision vs. catalogue-version

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Tue Sep 17 03:58:12 CEST 2019

Hi Karl,

> On Sep 16, 2019, at 15:52 , Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:
> Hi Adam - as you know, I don't use TLU,

The day you switch to a Mac is the day we ice skate on sulfur :).

> but ... Frank (Mittelbach)
> mentioned that TLU shows the TL revision number (the integer) up front,
> but that the catalogue-version string (that comes from the package) is
> not shown and/or is harder to find.

Presently, TLU shows the TL revision with the catalogue version
in parentheses:

IEEEtran	Update available	38238 (1.8b)	51065 (1.8b)	563.1 KB

There was a reason I did this, but I no longer recall what it was.
Just using the catalogue version should be sufficient; I think the
TL revision was mainly there for my debugging initially. However,
the catalogue version is definitely there.

This is easier than the bug report he filed, which I'm still
thinking about.

https://github.com/amaxwell/tlutility/issues/77 <https://github.com/amaxwell/tlutility/issues/77>

Wait, maybe he's talking about the backup listing? I only have
access to integer version numbers for that (via tlmgr restore).


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