[tlu] Spinner Hell Again

Maxwell, Adam R Adam.Maxwell at pnnl.gov
Thu Jun 27 23:29:02 CEST 2019

> On Jun 27, 2019, at 13:43, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
> Let me add that the list of updates came up quickly but the spinner continued going and I couldn't enter any commands (like Update All). I don't know what the time out is but it was certainly long enough that it appears as a hang.

Ah! In that case, it's almost certainly waiting on the GPG server. In Bruno's case, it's more likely the CTAN mirror. Either one will keep the spinner going at program launch, and they may run simultaneously.

It looks like tlmgr uses a 30 second timeout and will try 5(?) times for LWP downloads and 10 for wget/curl downloads. I'm not exactly sure how the error handling would work, though.

-- adam

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