[tlu] Uninstalling old versions of texlive (OS X, 10.11)

Alexander Mitelman alexander.mitelman at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 21:27:40 CEST 2017

Hello TUG gurus,

I'm a long-time TeX user on OS X (currently running TeXShop-3.77 and
texlive-2016 as GUI and engine, respectively).

Today I discovered that the old Preferences panel [System Preferences > TeX
Distribution, v. 2.0 (Build 150)], which seems to work but throws up error
dialogs ("Wrong configuration: Setting up the /usr/texbin link", "Failure:
The last operation failed", etc.), has apparently been superseded by TeX
Live Utility.

I've currently got TUL grinding along and updating all the packages, but in
the meantime, I have a few short (hopefully simple) questions:

1) Do I understand correctly that TUL obviates the old Pref pane, which I
should be able to remove?

2) In addition to texlive-2016, I also have 2007, 2010, and 2013 installed
which together take >10GB of space. Assuming the TLU update doesn't break
anything in my texlive-2016 installation, is it safe to remove the old
texlive ones?

3) In addition to those old texlives, I also see that
/Library/TeX/Distributions/.FactoryDefaults/ contains old (stub)
directories Fink-teTeX/, MacPorts-teTeX/, MacPorts-TeXLive/, and
gwTeX-2003-2005/. The symlinks inside those point to various places in /sw
(Fink), /opt/local (MacPorts), and /usr/local (gwTeX). Is it safe to remove
those stub directories and their contents?

4) Given that I installed MacTeX.pkg directly, I'd like to also clean up
the old (presumably obsolete) MacPorts-based TeX installations, which turn
up when I run "port info texlive-*". Is it safe to remove the
MacPorts-based stuff?

My apologies if these are obvious questions. Thank you very much in advance
for any clarifications, and for all your hard work on TeX.


-A. Mitelman
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