[tlu] new beta

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at icloud.com
Sat Oct 10 23:22:30 CEST 2015

> On 10 Oct 2015, at 21:06, Adam R. Maxwell <amaxwell at me.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 10, 2015, at 12:00 , Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, I've been sitting on the sidelines. Too damn many inquiries about to update this or that app which I don't use. And the standard `it stopped working'.
> Seriously, whoever at Apple authorized this change can DIAF. This is the biggest pain in the ass they've come up with on an OS release. Maintaining support for older versions of TL and OS X is turning my code into a shit sandwich.

Here I must admit I have no idea what you mean by "this change". Is this some specific mechanism introduced in El Capitan, that (ie the mechanism) would ask users to update their apps? I don't remember seeing anything of the sort. Or are you referring to El Capitan as a whole?

> On 10 Oct 2015, at 21:16, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
> Installed 1.22b7.
> Hmmm... I'm seeing the proper sheet drop down:
> <TeX Live UtilityScreenSnapz001.png>
> and when I tell it to change that works just fine. I then have to force it to go out again and look for any changes as a separate operation.
> Here's the log, up to the point after I presses `Change' and then forced the check by clicking on the `reload' button.

Still no luck here. My impression is that we get similar log up to

> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _checkCommandPathAndWarn:][13239]	newCmdPath = /Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr, floor(NSAppKitVersionNumber) = 1404, NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10_Max = 1349, [cmdPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] = /usr/texbin, newCmdPath exists = 1
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _checkCommandPathAndWarn:][13239]	c1 = 1, c2 = 1, c3 = 1
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _checkCommandPathAndWarn:][13239]	showing warning about bad prefs
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _refreshUpdatedPackageListFromLocation:][13239]	Refreshing list of updated packages…
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _installDirectoryFromCurrentDefaults][13239]	no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updateEnvironment][13239]	No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _installDirectoryFromCurrentDefaults][13239]	no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updateEnvironment][13239]	No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _paperSizeCheckTerminated:][13239]	Unable to determine current paper size for pdftex
> 2015-10-10 19:09:29 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _paperSizeCheckTerminated:][13239]	System paper size = letter, pdftex paper size = (null)

But then for me that stops here, whereas you get more.

What happens is that, immediately after starting TLU, I get the panel

and the log starts to fill until this null pdftex paper size, where it stops. I press OK in the panel, which disappears, but nothing else happens after that.

At about the same time in Console.app, there is

10/10/15 22:30:18,752 lsd[277]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/com.apple.lsdschemes.plist

but I don't know whether that's connected. In any case, I don't have any /var/db/lsd/*.

To be sure, I checked "Show progress in system log" then quit TLU and tried again. Here's the Console output.

At one point I even thought this could be this linked to System Integrity Protection, that maybe Adam would have disabled inadvertently. Or that maybe Adam had on his computer a code-signing certificate, allowing TLU to perform certain operations on his machine that would be stopped by SIP on mine. But the fact Herb gets working TLU, makes me think this is none of the sort.


> 10/10/15 22:51:23,641 TeX Live Utility[745]: Welcome to TeX Live Utility 1.22b7, running under Mac OS X Version 10.11.1 (Build 15B30a) with 4/4 processors active and 8.0 GB physical memory.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,641 TeX Live Utility[745]: Process umask = 022
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,642 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,642 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,643 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,643 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,644 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,644 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,690 TeX Live Utility[745]: Loaded log window controller
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,795 mdworker[725]: Failed to fetch iCloud metadata with error: Error Domain=BRCloudDocsErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,876 TeX Live Utility[745]: Docking log window below main window
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,904 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,904 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,910 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,910 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,931 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,931 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,935 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:23,935 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,109 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,181 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 2590 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,299 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,299 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 2 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,299 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,299 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,350 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/mirrors/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,414 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 3988 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,499 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,500 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 3 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,500 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,500 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,547 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,645 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 3992 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,730 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,730 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 4 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,730 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,730 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,781 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://ftp.oleane.net/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,836 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 2567 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,930 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,930 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 5 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,931 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,931 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:24,987 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/mirrors/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,059 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 3988 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,138 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,139 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,139 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,139 TeX Live Utility[745]: Still have multiplexer URL after setup.  This is not good.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,525 TeX Live Utility[745]: Updating local package database
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,525 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,526 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,526 TeX Live Utility[745]: adding operation <TLMLoadDatabaseOperation: 0x10871bac0>
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,526 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,526 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,526 TeX Live Utility[745]: trying command /usr/texbin/tlmgr, exists = 0
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,526 TeX Live Utility[745]: tlmgr not found at "/usr/texbin/tlmgr"
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,529 TeX Live Utility[745]: newCmdPath = /Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr, floor(NSAppKitVersionNumber) = 1404, NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10_Max = 1349, [cmdPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] = /usr/texbin, newCmdPath exists = 1
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,529 TeX Live Utility[745]: c1 = 1, c2 = 1, c3 = 1
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,529 TeX Live Utility[745]: showing warning about bad prefs
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,706 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,706 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,706 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,706 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,750 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/mirrors/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,796 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 2548 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,885 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,885 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 2 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,885 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,885 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,928 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://ftp.oleane.net/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:25,984 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 2567 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,089 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,090 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 3 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,090 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,090 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,143 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,248 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 11072 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,378 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,378 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 4 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,378 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,378 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,434 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,543 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 11072 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,641 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,641 TeX Live Utility[745]: Stale repository returned from multiplexer.  Requesting another repository (attempt 5 of 5).
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,642 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,642 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,698 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/mirrors/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,778 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 3988 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,901 TeX Live Utility[745]: Version mismatch detected, but no fallback URL was found.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,901 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,901 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,902 TeX Live Utility[745]: Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,902 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
> 10/10/15 22:51:26,982 TeX Live Utility[745]: redirected request to http://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,101 TeX Live Utility[745]: Downloaded 8192 bytes of tlpdb for version check
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,193 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,193 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: adding operation <TLMListUpdatesOperation: 0x1078a6690>
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: trying command /usr/texbin/tlmgr, exists = 0
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: tlmgr not found at "/usr/texbin/tlmgr"
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: newCmdPath = /Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr, floor(NSAppKitVersionNumber) = 1404, NSAppKitVersionNumber10_10_Max = 1349, [cmdPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] = /usr/texbin, newCmdPath exists = 1
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: c1 = 1, c2 = 1, c3 = 1
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,194 TeX Live Utility[745]: showing warning about bad prefs
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,199 TeX Live Utility[745]: Refreshing list of updated packages…
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,199 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,199 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,200 TeX Live Utility[745]: no kpsewhich executable at /usr/texbin/kpsewhich
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,200 TeX Live Utility[745]: No install directory from current defaults; this is very disturbing, and lots of things are going to fail.  You probably need to fix the tlmgr path in preferences.
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,230 lsd[277]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/com.apple.lsdschemes.plist
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,244 TeX Live Utility[745]: Unable to determine current paper size for pdftex
> 10/10/15 22:51:27,324 TeX Live Utility[745]: System paper size = a4, pdftex paper size = (null)
> 10/10/15 22:51:29,583 accountsd[318]: AIDA Notification plugin running

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