[tlu] Yosemite workaround

Gary L. Gray glgray at me.com
Wed Oct 1 17:30:35 CEST 2014

> On Oct 1, 2014, at 9:06 AM, Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at icloud.com> wrote:
>> On 01 Oct 2014, at 14:46, Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> wrote:
>> I'm getting really worried... GM1 apparently just came out.
> This is supposed to correspond more or less to Public Beta 4, released yesterday. Too bad: there were a bunch of TeX Live updates yesterday, requiring updmap-sys at the end, but I applied them all before realizing there was a new version of Yosemite. So testing will have to wait for new updmap-requiring package updates.
> In any case, none of the issues I’ve reported otherwise to Apple about Mail have been addressed in this new Beta. So yes, I’m not hopeful either.
> That said, after a whole extended weekend fighting with Windows 8 first, then 8.1, to set up a friend’s machine, I’m loving OS X even more!

All but one issue I was seeing with DP8 have been addressed in the GM candidate release, so Yosemite is coming together nicely (at least on my machine).

With that said, since I haven't had time to pay attention, what is the status of TeX Live Utility with Yosemite? I haven't updated using TeX Live Util and when I tried updating in the Terminal, it grabbed some new packages but it didn't know I keep stuff in ~/Library, so I don't think it properly updated.

Can someone give me an update?


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