[tlu] PATH not propagated to *-sys scripts (Yosemite)

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Fri Jul 11 22:31:59 CEST 2014

On Jul 11, 2014, at 13:23, Jeffrey Goldberg <jeffrey at goldmark.org> wrote:

>> One thing you could also try is changing ownership of the /usr/local/texlive/2014 directory to the user running TLU, which should bypass the AEWP call if I remember aright.
> That would be a work-around, as is just using tlmgr from the command-line.

Yeah, would also point clearly at AEWP as the culprit. I'll have to get 10.10 installed and report it (which has a 0.1% chance of helping these days).

I suppose I can pass the environment over distributed objects if I have to, but ugh.


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