[tlu] Yosemite workaround

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Wed Aug 6 19:42:44 CEST 2014


Version 11 behaves correctly when downloaded to Yosemite. A dialog appears saying
that it is from an unidentified developer (rather than saying that it is damaged), and
the standard control trick works, letting me run it.

Sadly, the basic problem is still there. Here is the log.


> On Aug 6, 2014, at 10:16 AM, Adam R. Maxwell <amaxwell at mac.com> wrote:
> Okay, a wild guess here: I've set COMMAND_MODE to unix2003 and uploaded a new release (b11).
> That's the only difference I see between your Yosemite env and mine on 10.8.5, but it's potentially big. If this is it, it may turn out that NSUnbufferedIO was a red herring.
> Adam

2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment initialize][930]	Welcome to TeX Live Utility 1.18b11, running under Mac OS X Version 10.10 (Build 14A314h) with 12/12 processors active and 32.0 GB physical memory.
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _checkSystemPythonVersion][930]	Using Python interpreter at '/usr/bin/python'
Python version: 2.7.6 (default, Jul 24 2014, 12:53:09) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.39)]

2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _checkProcessUmask][930]	Process umask = 022
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updateEnvironment][930]	Setting up a new environment for /usr/local/texlive/2014basic…
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updatePathEnvironment][930]	Using PATH = "(
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _logEnvironment][930]	Current environment from /usr/bin/env:
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment _getInstalledYear:isDevelopmentVersion:tlmgrVersion:][930]	Looks like you're using TeX Live 2014
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice -[TLMEnvironment _checkForRootPrivileges][930]	Root permission required for installation at /usr/local/texlive/2014basic
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice +[TLMEnvironment updateEnvironment][930]	Nothing to update for /usr/local/texlive/2014basic
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice -[TLMLogWindowController awakeFromNib][930]	Loaded log window controller
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][930]	Checking the repository version.  Please be patient.
2014-08-06 17:39:27 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][930]	Downloading at least 2048 bytes of tlpdb for a version check…
2014-08-06 17:39:28 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:][930]	redirected request to http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
2014-08-06 17:39:28 +0000 Notice -[TLMDatabase _downloadDatabaseHead][930]	Downloaded 2622 bytes of tlpdb for version check
2014-08-06 17:39:28 +0000 Notice -[TLMEnvironment _getValidServerURL:repositoryYear:][930]	Repository version appears to be 2014; a young TeX Live
2014-08-06 17:39:28 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _refreshLocalDatabase][930]	Updating local package database
2014-08-06 17:39:28 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _refreshUpdatedPackageListFromLocation:][930]	Refreshing list of updated packages…
2014-08-06 17:39:29 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _paperSizeCheckTerminated:][930]	System paper size = letter, pdftex paper size = (null)
2014-08-06 17:39:30 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][930]	Successfully executed `/Users/koch/Library/TeX/LocalTeX/texbin/tlmgr --machine-readable --repository http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ update --list --all`
2014-08-06 17:39:30 +0000 Notice -[TLMOperation main][930]	tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
2014-08-06 17:39:38 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _isCorrectDatabaseVersionAtURL:][930]	Checking database version in case preferences have been changed…
2014-08-06 17:39:38 +0000 Notice -[TLMMainWindowController _updateAllPackagesFromRepository:][930]	Beginning update of all packages from http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
2014-08-06 17:39:38 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation main][930]	Checking code signature before running tlu_ipctask as root…
2014-08-06 17:39:38 +0000 Notice /usr/bin/codesign[930]	/Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/tlu_ipctask: valid on disk
/Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/tlu_ipctask: satisfies its Designated Requirement
2014-08-06 17:39:38 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation main][930]	Signature was valid, okay to run tlu_ipctask
2014-08-06 17:39:43 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation main][930]	Invoking privileged task via AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges
2014-08-06 17:39:43 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	dropped privileges to user nobody
2014-08-06 17:39:44 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation setWrapperPID:][930]	tlu_ipctask checking in:  tlu_ipctask pid = 1064
2014-08-06 17:39:44 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation setUnderlyingPID:][930]	tlu_ipctask checking in: pid = 1065 (/Users/koch/Library/TeX/LocalTeX/texbin/tlmgr --repository http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ --machine-readable --persistent-downloads update --all)
2014-08-06 17:39:44 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	tlu_ipctask: child HOME = '/var/root'
2014-08-06 17:39:44 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	tlu_ipctask: current HOME = '/var/empty'
2014-08-06 17:39:47 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
2014-08-06 17:39:47 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	location-url	http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/
2014-08-06 17:39:47 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Beginning download of 3035.7 kbytes
2014-08-06 17:39:47 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Beginning download and installation of packages
2014-08-06 17:39:47 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating babel-french
2014-08-06 17:39:47 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating dvipdfmx-def
2014-08-06 17:39:48 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating dvips
2014-08-06 17:39:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating enctex
2014-08-06 17:39:49 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating fontspec
2014-08-06 17:39:51 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating hyph-utf8
2014-08-06 17:39:52 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating hyphen-base
2014-08-06 17:39:52 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating l3experimental
2014-08-06 17:39:52 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating l3kernel
2014-08-06 17:39:52 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating l3packages
2014-08-06 17:39:53 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating latex
2014-08-06 17:39:53 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating latexconfig
2014-08-06 17:39:53 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating lualibs
2014-08-06 17:39:53 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating luaotfload.universal-darwin
2014-08-06 17:39:53 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating luaotfload.x86_64-darwin
2014-08-06 17:39:55 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating luaotfload
2014-08-06 17:39:56 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating pdftex
2014-08-06 17:39:56 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating plain
2014-08-06 17:39:56 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating tetex
2014-08-06 17:39:56 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating texconfig
2014-08-06 17:39:57 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating texlive-docindex
2014-08-06 17:39:57 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating texlive-msg-translations
2014-08-06 17:39:58 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating texlive-scripts
2014-08-06 17:39:58 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating thumbpdf
2014-08-06 17:39:58 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating tools
2014-08-06 17:39:58 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating xecjk
2014-08-06 17:39:58 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating xepersian
2014-08-06 17:39:58 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating xetex-def
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating xetexconfig
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating xetexko
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating xkeyval
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Adding bidicontour
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Adding bidipagegrid
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Adding bidishadowtext
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Adding ec
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Adding eurosym
2014-08-06 17:39:59 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Adding ulem
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Adding upquote
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating collection-xetex
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Updating scheme-small
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	Installation complete; reconfiguring TeX Live
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	tlmgr: package log updated: /usr/local/texlive/2014basic/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	running mktexlsr ...
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	done running mktexlsr.
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	running updmap-sys ...
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	updmap-sys failed (status 127), output:
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	/Users/koch/Library/TeX/LocalTeX/texbin/updmap-sys: line 30: exec: updmap: not found
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Warning tlu_ipctask[1064]	regenerating fmtutil.cnf in /usr/local/texlive/2014basic/texmf-var
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice -[TLMLogServer _parseMessageAndNotify:][930]	Unhandled status "exiting "
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	exiting tlmgr:
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation _runUntilChildExit][930]	kqueue noted that pid 1065 exited (/Users/koch/Library/TeX/LocalTeX/texbin/tlmgr --repository http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/ --machine-readable --persistent-downloads update --all)
2014-08-06 17:40:00 +0000 Notice tlu_ipctask[1064]	child process pid = 1065 exited
2014-08-06 17:40:01 +0000 Error tlu_ipctask[1064]	Value of errno is No such file or directory
2014-08-06 17:40:01 +0000 Error tlu_ipctask[1064]	*** ERROR *** exit status of pid = 1065 was 1
2014-08-06 17:40:01 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation _runUntilChildExit][930]	waitpid returned 1064, WIFEXITED(256) = 1, errno = 0 (No error)
2014-08-06 17:40:01 +0000 Notice -[TLMAuthorizedOperation _runUntilChildExit][930]	kqueue noted that tlu_ipctask (pid = 1064) exited with status 1

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