[tlu] Package version

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at icloud.com
Mon Mar 25 11:56:22 CET 2013

> As a first post, here's a reminder of a feature suggestion Bruno sent to me, though I'm not sure how to implement it as tlmgr doesn't give this in the output of 'tlmgr update --list' as far as I can tell.

Not sure if this can help here. But, looking at the way the 3rd column "Remore rev. (ver.)" is defined in /Library/TeX/Root/texmf/scripts/texlive/tlmgrgui.pl, it seems this is all based on getting for each package the catalogue-version value, if it exists, from


Then tlmgrgui.pl defines remotecatalogue version based on it, in lines 2098 ff.

  if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) {
    if ($mode eq "local") {
      $Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'};
    } else {
      $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'};

and uses it to create the 2rd and 3rd columns in (I think) lines 696 ff.

  if (defined($Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'})) {
    $tf->Label(-text => __("Remote Catalogue Version:"))->grid(
      $tf->Label(-text => $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'}),
      -sticky => "nw");

and in lines 875 ff.

      if ($Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'}) {
        $t .= " ($Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'})";
      $g->itemCreate($p, 3, -itemtype => 'text', -style => $st, -text => $t);

That doesn't answer your question, of course, regarding getting this info through tlmgr.

tlmgr seems to be able to retrieve it as cat-version, for the "info" action:

$ tlmgr info fontspec --repository http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/mirrors/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet
package:     fontspec
category:    Package
shortdesc:   Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
longdesc:    Fontspec is a package for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. It provides an automatic and unified interface to feature-rich AAT and OpenType fonts through the NFSS in LaTeX running on XeTeX or LuaTeX engines. The package requires the l3kernel and xparse bundles from the LaTeX 3 development team.
installed:   Yes
revision:    29412
cat-version: v2.3a
cat-date:    2013-03-17 00:29:52 +0100
cat-license: lppl1.3
collection:  collection-latexrecommended

However, having to do this individually for each package reported as revised would mean even more connections!


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