[tldoc] Typo in and question about some new strings

Denis Bitouzé denis.bitouze at univ-littoral.fr
Sat Mar 23 09:15:44 CET 2019

Le 22/03/19 à 00h48, Carlos a écrit :

>>  question: is "Other" about possibly plural objects, or definitively
>>   a single
> if I had to guess, and by looking at the file

How do you find the relevant (line of the) file?

> is about a singular object, not plural

OK, thanks.

> It's got adjective element written all over with coordinating
> conjunctive properties, since is specifying more than one ;)

Hmmm, sorry, I don't see what you mean.

> (in French, that's make a difference: "Autres" versus
>>   "Autre")?
> So does in Spanish since it's a richer language, but in English it
> would need a noun if it wants to be useful as a plural object or else
> it takes a complete different connotation, acting as pronoun and even
> as a verb.

I see.

> e.g. you could probably say in spanish 'otros' and get away with
> it. I don't know if it's the case in French, but in english you'd have
> to add something to it such so it sounds meaningful as 'repositories'
> or 'repository' and which helps it in distinguishing the object from
> the action that is adding/selecting to/from.

OK. Precisely, does "Other" relates to repositor(y|ies)?


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